
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Thank You Gift Beyond Words

A dear friend gave me the loveliest thank you gift on Monday. It was WAY too generous, and completely unnecessary, but I am tickled beyond words! The silky soft Liberty of London fabric and the Koigu 100% Merino Wool fingering yarn purchased from Purl Soho in NYC are stunningly beautiful and I am all a-twitter with anticipation and delight at what to make with them!

I've been wasting precious time researching today on Pinterest (the time-sucking void of delicious ideas and pictures) for a summer hexagon quilt for my bed. Our duvet and down comforter is WAY too hot for summer, so I'd like a lighter quilt during the hot season. I won't get to a quilt until the new year, but I'm so excited at the possibilities!

I think that I'll make some finger-less gloves with the yarn. Won't that be colorful and fun during the drab winter?!

I'm so grateful for this unexpected gift!

1 comment:

  1. That is the prettiest little bundle I have ever seen! You are a lucky lady :-) I can't wait to see what you do with them!


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