
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fru Dahle - Toy Tuesday

Look who came to play today! Fru Dahle from Norway has come to play with my fairy family for spooky All Hallows' Eve. Made by Emily of Ravenhill (who sadly is no longer blogging or selling her super cute matroyshka dolls. Boo hoo hoo!).

When Emily closed her shop in January of this year, I promptly ordered Fru Dahle (1) because she's amazingly cute, (2) because I had wanted one of Emily's matroyshka dolls for quite some time and I shuddered to think that I wouldn't be able to order a doll if I didn't act very fast, and (3) Dahle is the Norwegian family name of my maternal great-grandmother!! It is also {K}'s middle name! So it seemed like fate that Fru Dahle should come to live with our family.

But, alas! Even though Emily sent her to us in January, Fru Dahle decided to gallivant across the globe, visiting all the places that I'm sure I'd wish to go, and making me cry a very sad Boo Hoo, because not only had Emily closed her shop and wasn't making any more deliciously darling matroyshka dolls anymore, but I thought that Fru Dahle didn't want to come live with us!

But, Fru Dahle DID want to live with us and she arrived safe and sound and she is now comfortably housed with the Fairy Family and they are planning what costumes to wear for Halloween.

For other darling matroyshka dolls, visit here, here, or here. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what an adventure Fru Dahle must have had! The stories she could tell! :-)


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